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way to make money on youtube

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I just got an email from someone talking about this method. I laughed because I have been using it for awhile and it is probably the best way to make money on youtube.

The most popular videos on youtube are music videos. Any genre, no matter how obscure you might think the band is.

They get millions of views per video.

So what you do is:

-think of at least 10 bands or singers-could be rap(kanye,50), rock(foo fighters), punk(blink 182), pop(britney,rhiannon)...examples

-next you download 2 or 3 of the band you are promoting most popular videos. You can get them off of youtube, or other video sharing sites.

-Sign up for a ringtone cpa offer, from say azoogle, or anywhere, and make sure you put something like this in the description of the video:"Get this ringtone NOW, at".. Then continue with the description.

-Next, you upload the videos to your account. Make a video response to some other popular videos by the artist if you can. Also make sure you tag the vids correctly.

-Wait some days. You will have a decent chunk of change..probably over $1,000 or more. You wouldn't believe how much I hit when one of the videos I uploaded went viral--I guess that's what it did..

Like I said I have been using it for awhile but I got an email about it from someone else, so I thought I'd share it..




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